Cultural, Social And Economic Impact Of Retiree Migration From Developed Countries To Ecuador: A Bibliographical Review.



Foreign retirees, residential tourism, economic and social development, migration, social impact, well-being, quality of life, gentrification


This article examines the retirement migration phenomenon from developed countries to Ecuador, highlighting its motivations and the impacts of residential tourism. The "push-pull" theory is employed to understand the factors driving and attracting migrants. Findings indicate that residential tourism not only stimulates the local economy but also induces socio-cultural changes. Ecuador, with its favorable climate and affordable cost of living, has become an attractive destination for foreign retirees, fostering sustained local economic growth.

Cities like Cuenca, Cotacachi, and Vilcabamba exemplify this trend. The article underscores the successful integration of retirees into local communities and the creation of employment opportunities, offering new perspectives for both migrants and host communities.


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How to Cite

Izurieta Tapia, G. R. (2024). Cultural, Social And Economic Impact Of Retiree Migration From Developed Countries To Ecuador: A Bibliographical Review. INSTA MAGAZINE, 7(1), 16-19. Retrieved from