The teaching ranks, characteristics and challenges in Ecuadorian higher education


  • Verónica Condor Bermeo Instituto Tecnológico San Antonio
  • Katiuska Espinoza
  • Pamela Monteverde


The objetive of this work is to analyze the legal changes regarding the requirements for the teaching placement of university professors, especially following the promulgation of the Organic Law of Higher Education (LOES) of 2010. Within the framework of the entry In force of the LOES and the Career and Ranking Regulations for Professors and Researchers of the Higher Education System, the requirements for professionals who work as teachers within HEIs were modified and adjusted in order to promote continuous training and guarantee the quality of teaching. This regulation establishes the academic and economic incentives that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) must offer to their teachers, in order to promote research production. This article analyzes the changes registered over the last eighteen years on the requirements for the selection, appointment, removal, remuneration and administration processes of teaching staff. The article places special emphasis on the skills that university teachers must develop to grow professionally and face the knowledge society.


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How to Cite

Condor Bermeo, V., Espinoza, K., & Monteverde, P. (2024). The teaching ranks, characteristics and challenges in Ecuadorian higher education. INSTA MAGAZINE, 7(1), 27-32. Retrieved from